16 وڈیاں ترک سلطنتاں

16 وڈیاں ترک سلطنتاں (ترکی زبان: 16 Büyük Türk Devleti ) ترک نسلی قوم پرستی وچ اک نظریہ اے جہڑا 1969ء وچ عاقب اوزبیک نے متعارف کروایا ۔[۱] جسنوں 1980ء دے دہاکے وچ ترکی دی سرکار نے بڑاوا دتا ۔

Erdoğan and Abbas with actors representing the "16 Great Turkic Empires" (2015)

"16 ترک سلطنتاں" اس پرکار نیں:

جھنڈا[۲] ناں ترک ناں آگو[۳] ویلہ[۴]
فائل:Asian Huns.png وڈی ہن سلطنت Büyük Hun İmparatorluğu میتے خان 220 BC-46 BC
  لہندی ہن سلطنت Batı Hun İmparatorluğu پانو 48-216
یورپی ہن سلطنت Avrupa Hun İmparatorluğu اٹیلا 375-469
  چٹی ہن سلطنت Akhun İmparatorluğu آقسنور 390-577
  گوک ترک سلطنت Göktürk İmparatorluğu بومن کاغان 552-745
  عوار خاگانیت Avar İmparatorluğu بایان کاغان 565-835
خزر سلطنت Hazar İmparatorluğu خزر کاغان 651-983
  ایغور خاگانیت Uygur Devleti قتلغ بیلکے کاغان 745-1369
  قاراخانی Karahanlılar بیلگے کولکادر خان 840-1212
  غزنوی سلطنت Gazneliler الپتگین 962-1186
  سلجوقی سلطنت Büyük Selçuklu İmparatorluğu سلجوق بے 1040–1157
  خوارزم شاہی سلطنت Harzemşahlar محمد خوارزم شاہ 1097–1231
  طلائی اردو Altınordu Devleti باتو خان 1236–1502
  تیموری سلطنت Büyük Timur İmparatorluğu تیمور 1368–1501
  مغل سلطنت Babür İmparatorluğu بابر شاہ 1526-1858
  سلطنت عثمانیہ Osmanlı İmparatorluğu عثمان بے 1299-1922


Flags of the Sixteen Great Turkish Empires displayed in the Istanbul Military Museum
Presidential Seal of Turkey

Turkish nationalist writer, novelist, poet and philosopher, Hüseyin Nihâl Atsız, supporter of the pan-Turkist or Turanism ideology, had noted that while some states with questionable Turkic identity were included in the list, some ostensibly Turkic states (such as Akkoyunlu) were left out, and labeled the list a "fabrication."[۵]

In spite of Atsız' criticism, the concept has was made a mainstream topos in Turkish national symbolism in the wake of the 1980 Turkish coup d'état, under the presidency of Kenan Evren, when "Turkish-Islamic synthesis" was declared the official nature of Turkish national identity. The Turkish Postal administration issued a series of stamps dedicated to the 16 Empires in 1984, showing portraits of their respective founders as well as attributed flags.[۲] In 1985, Özbek's 16 Empires were invoked as a retrospective explanation of the 16 stars in the presidential seal of Turkey (introduced in 1936).[۶]

Several municipal buildings and public parks in Turkey have collections of busts or statues of the supposed founders of the "16 Empires" alongside a statue of Kemal Atatürk, including the municipal buildings of Keçiören (Ankara), Mamak, Ankara, Etimesgut, Niğde, Nevşehir, Pınarbaşı, Kayseri, etc.[۳]

In 2000, Türk Telekom produced a series of smart cards dedicated to the topic.[۷]

In January 2015, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in the Turkish Presidential Palace with a guard of 16 "warriors", actors wearing loosely historical armour and costume, intended to symbolise the 16 empires.[۸] The costumes were ridiculed in the Turkish media, and one of the costumes in particular was mocked as a "bathrobe", becoming a trend on social media under the name of Duşakabinoğul (as it were "son of the shower cabin").[۹]

ہور ویکھو



  1. H. Feridun Demokan, Contemporary Turkey: Geography, History, Economy, Art, Tourism, Demokan, 1978, p. 4. Necdet Evliyagil, Sami Güner, Basın-Yayın Genel Müdürlüğü, Ajans-Türk, Türkiye: Cumhuriyetin 50. Yıl Kitabı, Ajans-Türk Matbaacılık Sanayii, 1973.
  2. ۲.۰ ۲.۱ Ivan Sache, Presentation of the Sixteen Great Turkish Empires and their alleged flags, Flags of the World, 4 July 2004; c.f. jpeg of the 1984 stamp series. The flags were designed by Özbek in 1969. They are mostly imaginary, with the exception of the 1844 Ottoman flag, and arguably the wolf's head and the bow-and-arrow used as emblems for the Göktürk and the Seljuk states, respectively. Ekrem Buğra Ekinci, 16 TÜRK DEVLETİ Cumhurbaşkanlığı forsundaki 16 yıldız neyi ifade ediyor?, 2 February 2015.
  3. ۳.۰ ۳.۱ Keçiören 39°58′41″N 32°52′3″E / 39.97806°N 32.86750°E / 39.97806; 32.86750. Etimesgut Belediyesi kent meydanı için hazırlanan 16 Türk Büyüğü heykelleri. Niğde’nin simgesi Türk Büyükleri heykelleri kaldırılıyor mu? Türk devlet büyükleri Mamak'ta Archived 2016-08-05 at the وے بیک مشین Türk Büyükleri Anıtları Yenilendi (Nevşehir). "Pınarbaşı Turkishness Monument" (Pınarbaşı Türklük Anıtı, opened in 2000).
  4. Dates as shown in the original documentسانچہ:Clarify[حوالہ درکار]
  5. On line history newspaper (سانچہ:Tr icon) Nihal Atsız سانچہ:Tr icon
  6. Central Eurasian Studies Review, Vol. 3, Central Eurasian Studies Society, 2004, p. 23
  7. Büyük Türk Devletleri [۱]
  8. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/Date_validation/ar at line 45: attempt to compare number with nil.
  9. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/Date_validation/ar at line 45: attempt to compare number with nil. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/Date_validation/ar at line 45: attempt to compare number with nil. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/Date_validation/ar at line 45: attempt to compare number with nil. The Takvim daily newspaper omitted a label for this particular costume (Western Hunnic Empire) by mistake; diken.com.tr.